Reminiscent Design
2) If you cannot do a request then just say so, I will pass it on to another person.
4) If I am giving you too many requests then tell me!
5) If you have a complaint or question just email us at
2) You have to have your request done in 3 weeks. If you have a problem email me.
3) If you can't do your request then just tell me.
4) Please tell me if you want to go on hiatus.
2) You have to have your request done no later than 4 weeks. If you need more time or if you have a problem email me.
3) You can pass on your request, just make sure you tell me. I will give it to someone else.
4) If you want to go on hiatus then tell me.
2) You have to have your request done no later then 4 weeks. If the story is long and you need more time just ask.
4) If you want to pass on the request tell me.
Review Rubric
Story Title: /5
Appearance (Does it look eye catching): /10
Forewords/Introduction: /10
Plot: /20
Characterization: /10
Creativity/Originality: /5
Spelling/Vocabulary/Grammar/Punctuations: /10
Flow (Does it all go together): /10
Writing Style: /15
Overall Enjoyment: /5